
Trifactectr,Electric Bike For Sale






The hybrid Polestar 1, China city electric bicycle a four-seat coupe with a lightweight carbon-fiber body, promises a range of 150 kilometers (95 miles) on a charge, with a gasoline-powered engine to supplement that if needed.Polestar says it will follow up with an all-electric model in 2019 and an SUV in 2021.It is due to be produced at a factory in western China and released in 2019..Beijing: Volvo Cars' performance electric car brand, Polestar, unveiled its first model Tuesday, adding to competition in a market dominated until now by Tesla.
Volvo, owned since 2010 by Chinese automaker Geely Holding, announced in July that it would make only electric and hybrid vehicles starting in 2019“That’s a good business.Cammerer urged the auto industry to prepare for the “post-Lithium era” by focusing its joint efforts on promising sodium- or magnesium-ion battery technologies.BMW has awarded a contract worth just over 1 billion euros (1.6 million workers, to team up on battery production.The privately held company, a leading auto industry supplier, has opted out of making lithium-ion battery cells,
saying it would take an investment of 20 billion euros to catch a fifth of the European market by 2030.Plans by a Chinese company to build a battery cell factory in Germany should serve as a wakeup call for the national car industry, whose lack of its own production capacity risks leaving it exposed in a dawning era of electric mobility.Europe’s chip makers were not wiped out completely, however, maintaining - with the help of state aid - a lead in high-performance chips used in industrial and power-management applications such as electric cars, trains, wind turbines or computer server farms.“There is absolutely no point in chasing after today’s technology,” said Peter Cammerer, a member of the works council at BMW.”Robert Bosch is building a new plant in ‘Silicon Saxony’ in eastern Germany that will make chips for the car industry and the industrial ‘Internet of Things’



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